Customize your box
Choose the perfect portion size for you and yours, and your preferred shipping frequency. You can even add additional items to each shipment—just log in to your account and add your favorite toppings or sauces to your order before the ship date.
Delivered to your door
Your order will be shipped via standard delivery the second Tuesday of each month and delivered within 1-2 days of shipment.
Flexible subscription
You can log in to your account to track, edit, pause, or cancel your subscription at any time.
You’ll be charged on the 5th of each month your subscription is active.
Need more details?
For specifics on cut-off dates, delivery dates, subscription options, and more, read our FAQs.
The Oyster Club Box
A mix of Hog Island oysters and specially curated oysters from sustainable growers we know and trust.
Chef-curated recipes
Shuck, serve, and slurp like a pro with recipes from our kitchen and top local chefs.
Shucking tools
Your first box includes a shucking knife, shucking gloves, and an oyster tasting booklet!